
This is my new favorite picture. My friend Bryan Watai is an artist and decided to draw on me and my friends. The alignment of the drawing and Jaydes real eye makes for a trippy illusion.

Maves face lit up when she wanted to show me the drawing she got.

My friend Gigi was too busy thinking to realize I was photographing her. It turned out to be a great candid photo.

Max got got super excited when he realized we were having cake. This picture perfectly portrays his emotion.

Kailyn (left) and Mallory (right) saw a creepy old guy jogging on the beach. This picture perfectly conveys their emotions.

Uncle Kevin doesn't like to be photographed. When he saw the camera he had a somewhat confused look on his face.

Mallory was watching her dad play in the waves at the beach. Suddenly she saw a huge wave coming straight for him. I quickly snapped a photo of her reaction.

Gigi was eating peanut butter and it made her happy.

Max was looking at my camera lens. He said, "That thing looks kinda cool" He then started to zone out.