My Top Ten Photos of the Year

Alright so here is my favorite photo of the year. It originally wasn't going to be included in this presentation. I was gonna stick with my raw images, but Mr. Penna really wanted me to include it. Picture #1 is a photo I took of my dads old Minolta camera. Picture #2 is a picture of my friend Ryan backflipping into a freshwater pond. It was taken at a secret spot at Kiholo bay during that graduation party I mentioned earlier. Being new to photoshop, it took a while to figure out how to make a d

I was at the beach photographing a gorgeous sunset. I was tired of the traditional sunset photos and decided to play around with different perspectives. ‘Ethereal’ is my new favorite word. It means “extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world”. This picture gives the feeling of ethereality.

I was at Kiholo bay for my friend Asia’s graduation party. When the sunset was over and the stars began to appear, we made a huge bonfire (it was 7+ feet tall). We all gathered around the fire and sang campfire songs.

Natsukashii (adj) means suddenly, euphorically experiencing something for the first time in years. Sammy has never been to Mauna Kea nor seen snow. So this day he saw both. He was whining about how cold it was when I took this picture.

I woke up early this day because I had a test in Kona in the morning. I was taking a walk to clear my head and gather my thoughts. I decided to bring my camera along for some reason. I started looking at the nature around me and really liked the way the dew looked on the blades of grass. I love how round the water droplets are. If you look close you can see the little hairs or fibers on the grass. I dont have a micro lens so I just used my regular 10-30mm lens.

I was at the beach one day when I spotted something unusual. It was an old abandoned house. I decided to explore it and found it really cool. I decided to photograph it. I personally don’t care for this picture. I guess I just don’t really find the appeal. But everyone else seems to really like. Its only fitting to include it.

Sammy has gorgeous Indian eyes just like my mom. This was originally for the light assignment but it didn't make the cut. I still thought it was a great picture, so I used it for my photo Editing assignment. I cleaned up a few blemishes and used color splash to make his eyes really stand out.

This was a fun assignment. Sammy and I were exploring the forest behind my friends house when he found a Jackson chameleon. I took the opportunity to take this picture. My favorite aspect of this picture is probably the depth in field.

I really enjoyed this assignment. I had to lie in the grass for this one. I was trying to get just below eye level of the flowers. It turned out pretty good. I love the mood it sets. Only thing I would change is the houses and trees in the background.

I was helping clean my local Kingdom Hall with some friends. We were all on lunch break and just hanging out. My friend Bryan Watai is an artist and wanted to draw something. We didn’t have any paper, so he decided to draw on me and my friends. Maves face lit up when she wanted to show me the drawing she got.