Take Two

This is probably my best picture of the whole shoot. ‘Ethereal’ is my new favorite word. It means “extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world”. This picture gives the feeling of ethereality.

This picture is very similar to "Ethereal". I took it a few minutes before so the colors of the sunset weren't so intense.

I had a slow shutter speed for this one (1/100).

I love how the ocean looks like a blanket over the earth.

This is a picture of my brother Zack getting barreled at 67's. I zoomed in as much as I could (using a 55mm lens). Zack was quite proud of himself when he got back.

I can't quite make my mind up as to whether I like the random dude or not. He creates a nice depth in field. But he is also a distraction and an unwanted subject.

A nice 3-footer peaking

I absolutely love the color in this. Simply beautiful.
This week I had to do a second take of any assingment.
The idea is to see how much I've improved. I chose the assingment "Water"
Go here to see my first take of the assignment Water