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Night Photography

After Glow
I was at a friends house and there just happened to be one of the best sunsets ever. This picture doesn't do it justice. I also have a time lapse of it (Hopefully will be up soon).

Jumbling Tower
I have a thing for twinkly lights <3

Light Circles
This took so many tries so I hope you enjoy it. I was trying to get a better circle than this (but my mom was getting tired of waiting on the side of the road).

Alien Abduction
Just shook the camera and slowed down the shutter speed.

Popcorn Clouds
Clouds were so cool this night. I wish my pictures could capture the beauty of the eye.

Telephone Pole
I think the neighbors were really weirded out at me taking pictures at 10pm XD

Chasing Cars
Not a cloud in sight this night
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