
To be honest I really like this picture. I think it would look even better with a light edit but I also find beauty in raw images.

This picture reminds me of when you see that one person and everything around you gets fuzzy and your head begins to spin. Your soley focused on that one person or that one flower.

I tried to tune out the rest of the world and just focus on the flower.

I got as close as I possibly could with my little 18-55mm lens.

This picture makes me feel really nostalgic. When I was little my family would go on picnics quite often. I would fall asleep watching the nature around me. This picture brought back memories.

I had to lie in the grass for this one. It turned out pretty good. I love the mood it sets.

Its funny how many people hate fireweed. And I’m over here adorning them with photos. They are actually quite pretty when you get close to them.

For some reason, I really wanted to get a picture of the under-side of a flower. I wanted to create an optical illusion where the flower seems to tower over you. But this is as close as I got.

I'm not quite sure what type of flower this is. But I really like the depth in field in this picture.